May 7, 2020
FCSO SWAT used its weekly training to work with other Florence County first responders yesterday. In addition to FCSO SWAT, members of Florence County EMS and Howe Springs Fire Department participated in reality based training, sharing best practices and techniques common to each of their critical missions.
Training included tactical breaching of inward and outward opening doors using a Forcible Entry Prop provided by Howe Springs Fire Department, tactical medical evacuations simulating officer/responder or citizen down response, hostage rescue and other critical skills, all in a realistic environment filled with smoke and noise distraction.
FCSO wishes to thank Howe Springs Fire Department Assistant Chief and Training Director Bryan Bennett for helping facilitate this interagency cooperation and training. “We all serve the citizens of Florence County regardless of our primary mission,” Sheriff Billy Barnes stated. “The more we work and train together with other first responders, the better we will do our jobs for them when the need arises.”
Major Michael M. Nunn
General Counsel/P.I.O.