August 14, 2014

2014 Labor Day Sober or Slammer

Deputies with the Florence County Sheriff’s Office along with representatives of the South Carolina Highway Patrol and other law enforcement agencies attended a press conference earlier today at the Howe Springs Fire Department to kick off the 2014 Labor Day Sober Or Slammer campaign. From August 14, 2014 until September 1, 2014, law enforcement agencies, including the 12th Circuit Law Enforcement Network (LEN) will engage in saturated and conspicuous enforcement of the driving under the influence (DUI) laws in an effort to prevent alcohol/drug related motor vehicle accidents and fatalities during the period up to and including the Labor Day Holiday.  

“Alcohol related motor vehicle accidents are one of the most preventable crimes that we encounter on a routine basis,” Sheriff Kenney Boone stated.  “Every one involves the conscious decision on the part of the driver to drink and drive.  If you choose to drink, don’t drive.  If you choose to drive, don’t drink.  It doesn’t get any simpler than that.  Plan ahead by designating a driver or call a cab, but don’t get on the road with our children and loved ones after drinking.  Sober or slammer, the choice is yours.” 

Ordinary citizens can help enforce the DUI laws by calling *HP or 911 if they observe signs of impaired driving, which include driving too fast or too slowly, driving erratically , weaving in and out of lanes, failure to maintain lane or drifting off the highway.  You may just prevent an alcohol related crash and save a life.

The Sober or Slammer campaign is a South Carolina Department of Public Safety sponsored program held in conjunction with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration which includes local law enforcement agencies and first responders from across the nation.  The campaign includes high-visibility enforcement with heightened public awareness through  advertising and publicity.  



Major Michael M. Nunn
General Counsel/P.I.O.